Raleigh, NC 27609

Chapel Hill Wrongful Termination Lawyer

Chapel Hill Employment Lawyers Protects Employee Rights

Experienced Wrongful Termination Law Firm in North Carolina

When you accept a job, you may see that you are employed “at will.” You may have been surprised to learn that means that your employer can fire you at any time, for any reason. Once you’re fired, you’re fired, and you likely have very few legal rights to fight that.

However, there are exceptions to this rule under the “wrongful termination” rule. You cannot be fired for illegal reasons under state and federal law, and these laws supersede an “at will” firing. The wrongful termination attorneys at Law Offices of Robert Crawford in Chapel Hill have decades of combined experience in representing those who were unlawfully fired from their jobs. Call our offices today for a consultation about your case.

How a North Carolina Employment Attorney Can Help

You may have been wrongfully or unlawfully terminated if you were fired for any of the following reasons:

  • Firing based on race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or disability
  • Marital or family status
  • Taking maternity or paternity leave
  • Taking medical or family leave
  • Filing for worker’s compensation
  • Requesting accommodations for a disability
  • Requesting rest breaks, lunch breaks, or overtime pay
  • Retaliatory terminations (firing for reporting illegal activity, for complaining about illegal conduct, for filing a complaint against the employer, for asserting one’s rights, or for complying with the law)
  • Political affiliation or taking time to vote
  • Military leave

Additionally, there may be some gray areas where it is unclear whether or not your firing fell under wrongful termination laws. Perhaps you were not issued a verbal or written warning. Or you weren’t given a chance to correct any behaviors. These and other issues are the reason you need a competent Winston Salem employment law attorney on your side.

Call Our North Carolina Employment Lawyers Today

If you believe you suffered wrongful termination, contact a knowledgeable attorney at Law Offices of Robert Crawford in Winston Salem. We understand the law and decide if you have a case. If so, we work tirelessly for you to make things right and seek compensation. Contact us at 919-296-8508.

Law Offices of Robert Crawford, serves clients in the Triangle area of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill; the Triad area of Greensboro, Winston-Salem and High Point; Rocky Mount, Wilson, Greenville, Goldsboro, Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Jacksonville, Morehead City, New Bern, Wilmington, Sanford, Laurinburg and Burlington; Wake County, and throughout eastern and central North Carolina.

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